Kazuki Tsuya
Born in the picturesque city of Akita, Japan, Chef Kazuki Tsuya’s culinary journey has taken him from the baseball fields of his childhood to the bustling kitchens of Melbourne’s top institutions. His story is one of determination, passion and the seamless blending of family and food.
Kazuki’s journey to becoming a renowned chef began in 2001 when he arrived in Melbourne as a working holiday-maker. Initially volunteering for the Victorian Baseball Association, Kazuki’s strong connection to the sport he loved persisted, even as he found himself transitioning from playing on the field to working in a different kind of arena – the kitchen.
His entry into the culinary world wasn’t exactly planned; a waiter job turned into a dishwashing and kitchen hand role, revealing his innate talents and sparking his culinary curiosity.
As Kazuki honed his skills in the kitchen, he climbed through the ranks, gaining valuable experience in prestigious establishments like France-Soir in South Yarra and the acclaimed Lake House in Daylesford. After a decade in Melbourne, Kazuki’s dream took shape when he opened his first restaurant, aptly named Kazuki’s, in the charming town of Daylesford in 2011.
In 2018, a new chapter unfolded as Kazuki’s Restaurant found its new home in the heart of Melbourne’s Carlton neighbourhood. Despite the demands of running his restaurant, Kazuki’s devotion to family remains unwavering. With partner Saori by his side, he lovingly raises three children born in Australia, instilling in them a blend of Japanese heritage and Australian culture.
Beyond the restaurant, Kazuki’s love for the culinary arts extends to his own home garden, where he cultivates edible flowers that later grace his dishes. Cooking has become more than just a profession – it is now a family activity. On his days off, he delights in creating meals for his loved ones, often with his children as eager sous-chefs.